In 1998, Vassula Rydén was inspired, through a vision, to initiate a project to feed the poor in the Holy Land.
In 1998, Vassula Rydén was inspired, through a vision, to initiate a project to feed the poor in the Holy Land.
Vassula has been invited to speak in over 80 countries and has given more than 1000 presentations.
A short time later, a series of seemingly independent happenings came together to help this project to begin.
Currently there are 25 Beth Myriams functioning in 18 countries around the world.
In 1998, Vassula Rydén was inspired, through a vision, to initiate a project to feed the poor in the Holy Land. In the vision, she was shown a ‘narrow’ doorway in which our Blessed Mother was standing, holding the baby Jesus. A short time later, a series of seemingly independent happenings came together to help this project to begin. Still Vassula sought confirmation of the Lord’s will. Through opening randomly the scriptures. She and a friend fell upon a passage pertinent to Vassula’s discernment, including “Come to Mary’s house.”
A True Life in God message of March 27, 2002, re-confirmed the urgency of the project. It says: now listen to Me and write these words “establish Our Beth Myriams everywhere you can. Lift the oppressed and help the orphan. Protect Me, rescue Me from the gutter, shelter Me and feed Me. Unload My burden and fatigue; support Me and encourage Me. All that you do to the least of My brethren you do it to Me.”
Vassula had foretold to the people around her that she would receive an Icon of The Blessed Virgin Mary exactly as she saw it in her vision, and this eventually happened. Vassula received through the post a print of an icon painted by a Romanian lady living in Canada. A friend of the artist had sent the picture to Vassula. When Vassula received the icon, she was astonished to recognise in the icon the same image of Mary and Jesus as in her vision. This is now the Beth Myriam Icon.
Vassula Rydén – founder. Vassula Rydén, is Greek, born in Egypt and she belongs to the Greek Orthodox Church. Her husband’s career meant that she has lived most of her life in third world countries. She could never have imagined that God would reveal Himself to her in 1985, while she was living with her family in Bangladesh. This was the beginning of a mystical communication, which continues to this very day. It is God that dictates, inspires and reveals to her His words of Wisdom and to pass them on to His people so that they know His Will. The grace to receive God’s word in such a way is called Prophecy.
God called Vassula and taught her everything. He said once to her: I have chosen you as a blank canvas to fill it up only with My Work which I will name: ‘True Life in God’. The True Life in God divine messages are an urgent call to make peace with God and amend our lives through repentance. They are a call to reconciliation, love and unity. “Be like a loud book, a book written by the Most High” God told Vassula in the beginning. He foretold her back in 1986 that His message with His help, will go around the world and so it did. Since 1988 Vassula has been invited to speak in over 80 countries and has given more than 1000 presentations. In all of this apostolic work, Vassula do not receive or accept any personal, fees, royalties or benefits. So far, the books True Life in God and Heaven Is Real But So Is Hell have been translated by volunteers into more than 42 languages.
The Foundation for True Life in God was created in Switzerland with the generous contributions of several donors. Its main objective is to support and protect the works of “True Life in God” worldwide. In addition and by agreement, Vassula has entrusted the Foundation with the responsibility for promoting and disseminating the True Life in God Messages as well as the book Heaven is Real but so is Hell. The Foundation also supervises the project called Beth Myriam. Beth Myriam or Mary’s House is a result of a vision Vassula had in 1998 to initiate a project to feed the poor in the Holy Land. Currently there are 25 Beth Myriams functioning in 18 countries around the world. The Coordinator of Beth Myriam project reports to the Foundation. The Foundation is supported in its work by a number of Working Groups that promote and spread the Messages through, e.g. TLIG Publications, True Life in God Radio, TLIG Magazine, TLIG Website, TLIG National Associations.
True Life in God was given by Jesus as the title for His Messages