Philippines, Tuao


Tuao in Philippines

Tuao in Philippines

This BM feeds the poor people of all ages. The TLIG Messages are shared to them and they eventually become members of the Tuao Prayer Group . This project is very much alive because of the dedication and enthusiasm of Dr. German De Laza and his wife, Josie. After the TLIG Holy Land pilgrimage in 2000 they said yes to Jesus, and they opened a Beth Myriam, which was blessed & inaugurated by His Excellency Archbishop Diosdado A. Talamayan, DD, in September 2000. Dr. De Laza’s free medical services for the unfortunate together with TLIG evangelization have reached the neighboring provinces of Kalinga and Apayao. The BM Tuao expanded their feeding program to these nearby provinces, establishing 5 more feeding centers, including the Tuao District jail, serving 300 meals per month, thus earning the title: “BM-on-Wheels”.

Divinelly powered by regular prayer meetings and personal contemplative reading, the couple and the TLIG-BM volunteers have been surely taking these words of our Holy Mother seriously: ‘abide only in Faith, Hope and Love, let these be your fruits filling your heart. God-is-among-you to provide your soul all that it lacks; the Vineyards of the Lord shall multiply and they shall yield enough fruit to feed thousands; (22.9.89)

Contact information

Address: Barrio Bagumbayan, Tuao, Cagayan Valley, 3528, Philippines
Responsible person: German and Josefina De Laza

Tel: +63 2 9178255596 or +63 2 9279251576

Email:  [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]